The concept of the paperless office has been around for generations. However, paper archives and working documents are still the norm. In fact, paper-based records of sensitive information, such as business contracts, are required by law in many jurisdictions. Those paper documents need to be handled and disposed of with care. Shredders are the perfect solution for ensuring the safe and effective disposal of documentation. There are many other reasons that the purchase (or rental) of a shredder makes sound business sense. A quality shredder can help increase business efficiency, protect the health of employees, and prevent the company from facing legal action. Evaluating the business case for an office shredder will depend on a careful evaluation of the pros and cons; for that, more information about the advantages of shredders is essential.

Shredding and Fraud Prevention

Rising levels of fraud are a reality that almost every business must face. Using a state-of-the-art shredder to dispose of documents in a safe and effective manner prevents fraud and decreases the risk of severe financial harm to the organization.

Having a shredder at the office will also reduce the possibility of identity fraud, which is on the rise globally. Most sensitive documents often require signatures and the personal details of senior company executives. An unshredded document is an invitation for fraudsters to engage in illegal acts that can be extremely damaging and potentially life-altering.

Good corporate governance practice ensures that private information is not made public, and that includes client or customer data. Using shredders to dispose of out-of-date paper-based information such as client lists or even invoices will prevent accusations of negligence on the company’s part should that information be fraudulently obtained.

It is also worth noting that the theft of client or customer data can also have a negative effect on the company brand. Almost every company that has suffered fraud and the release of data related to their client base has suffered severe impacts on brand reputation. This reputational damage is challenging to repair, and it can end up costing the organization significant amounts of money.

Shredders and Efficiency

Documents tend to stack up – literally. Many businesses find themselves renting space that is far larger than absolutely necessary due to the storage that is required for legacy paperwork. An audit of those documents will almost certainly reveal that many of them are not adding value to the organization but simply taking up space.

Quality shredders will allow for the safe and efficient disposal of outdated records. They will enable the business to save money on property rental or free up space for further business expansion.

Work surfaces can also quickly become cluttered with unnecessary documents. The number of documents can quickly build up, and in cases like this, productivity and efficiency suffer. If an employee cannot easily access the tools they need to do their job, their performance will suffer. A high-quality shredder is an essential aid when it comes to developing habitual focus and efficiency.

Shredding and the Environment

The environment may not be one of the core focus areas of any small or medium-sized business, but ‘Green’ practices can have a beneficial effect on the bottom line. The fact is that consumers and clients care about a company’s Green credentials and are more likely to purchase from them. Using a shredder means that paper is more easily recyclable, so by using one, the company can increase market share and profit and be kind to the planet.

Office Shredders and Safety

The threat of office fires is one that any business owner should take seriously. A recent OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) report revealed that over 200 workplace fires are reported each day in the U.S. Incidents like these can have devastating consequences for a business owner.

The result of not dealing with paper waste in the office quickly and efficiently is an increased risk of workplace fire. Large amounts of paper can also cause office fires to spread extremely fast, making them even more difficult to control.

Additionally, employees can suffer repetitive strain injuries due to desks cluttered with unused documents. The clutter makes it necessary for employees to stretch unnaturally to perform even the simplest of tasks. When this happens multiple times an hour, there is a real possibility of repetitive strain injuries.

Not only will these injuries remove a valuable staff member from the workforce, but they also open the business up to accusations of negligence and the financial consequences of that negligence.

Shredders help dispose of unwanted documents, both on desks and in storage. This helps to protect two of the organization’s most precious assets: its employees and its physical assets.

Selecting a Shredder

A shredder is one of the best-value office appliances on the market. For a small initial outlay, the company will get years of faithful service. The right shredder can help protect employees, increase efficiency, save time, and even reduce costs and increase revenue. When selecting a shredder, keep the following in mind:

  • Traffic considerations. The number of people who will be using the office shredder is an important consideration. The size of the shredder will determine how often it needs to be emptied. A shredder that requires constant emptying can impact office productivity. Make sure that you select the right bin capacity.
  • Run time. When purchasing an office shredder, discuss the run time with the supplier. Office shredders need time to cool down, and the higher the workload, the more often the shredder will be unavailable due to cooling periods.
  • Sheet capacity. The sheet capacity of a shredder will indicate how many sheets the shredder can handle at once. To avoid time-wasting, ensure that the office shredder can handle multiple sheets at a time.
  • Shredder security. The security rating of a shredder will dictate how thoroughly it shreds documents. Security ratings range from P-1 to P-7. If sensitive documents are shredded regularly, a shredder with a minimum security rating of P-4 is required.

Sourcing Essential Office Equipment

A shredder will often go unnoticed in the office, but it is essential. A quality shredder purchased from a reputable supplier will allow the business to optimize business processes, save money, and dispose of sensitive documentation safely and responsibly.

No matter what your Sacramento office needs, including state-of-the-art shredders, Buckmaster Office Solutions will meet and exceed expectations. For expert advice and world-class products, give the professionals at Buckmaster a call today at (916) 923-0500 or visit the email contact page